A Morning Of Books And Pancakes With My Little Girl

My little girl was scheduled to be assessed at The Learning Library this morning.  I informed her yesterday that she would be meeting another teacher who would be asking her questions to check if she is ready to start a reading program.  She must have been really excited to “go to school” that she woke up earlier than usual. A lot earlier than usual actually.  She was already wide awake and talking incessantly at five in the morning!

While getting dressed she told her little brother, “I’m going to school to meet a new teacher ’cause I don’t know how to read.”  Jakei wanted to tag along but his Papa was taking him to the pediatrician for a check-up.

Jade needed no time to get comfortable in The Learning Library.  She was neither anxious nor wary of the new surroundings.   When Teacher Erica asked her if she wanted to go to the other room, she immediately went with her.  After the assessment, she played in the reading area while Teacher Erica and I discussed how her assessment went.  She was quite sad when it was time to go but she didn’t throw a tantrum. Instead, she asked me when she could come back to borrow books from the library.


It was almost twelve noon that time so we walked about a block to the nearest restaurant.  We were supposed to eat at KFC but when she saw Pancake House right next door, she literally dragged me there and insisted that we eat there.

This was the first time we were handed their kids’ menu and my little girl loved it immediately.  Their kids’ menu resembles a board book and is very colorful. What we love about it is that it has pop-ups!


Jade wanted to have hotdog on sticks but they didn’t have them then so she settled for mac n’ cheese with waffle instead.  I know she would have eaten anything as long as she was allowed to drink her favorite strawberry milkshake.  One serving of the milkshake was a bit too much for her little tummy so we just shared a glass.

I wanted to take a quick visit to the bookstore after lunch but Jade seemed sleepy so I decided to head for home right after eating.  This morning was quite an adventure for Jade and she couldn’t stop talking about it on the way home.

How about you? How did your day go?