4 Tips For Busy Mums

Image by Marin / FreeDigitalImages.Net

Image by Marin / FreeDigitalImages.Net

There’s no question that motherhood is an incredibly demanding role. Between raising the kids, running a household and career pressures, the strain of modern family life can feel all consuming at times. But don’t despair, there are many ways you can ease the stress. You can start by following these four tips for busy mums.

1. Slow down

Trying to do too many things at once can lead to chaos and confusion. Even if you consider yourself a master of multi-tasking, there’s only so much a busy mum can get done while trying to run a household. To avoid feeling as though you’re constantly trying to play catch-up each morning, take a moment to think of every single task you’d ideally like to complete that day and then list them in order of importance. By slowing down and setting yourself a clear set of objectives, you are far more likely to avoid distractions and be productive.

2. Develop a routine

Creating a consistent and realistic routine can help to take the stress out of motherhood. Studies have shown that young children thrive when their lives are structured around a daily schedule, providing them with a sense of security and comfort. Raising a family can be an unpredictable business, and there are sure to be ups and downs along the way. By establishing a routine, you can ease some of the pressure that comes with being a busy mum. The routine doesn’t have to be set in stone: try drawing up a schedule on a whiteboard, with a routine for each day of the week. Try and have your kids eat their meals and go to bed at roughly the same time every day to get the most out of your routine.

3. Find balance

Trying to create a stable work/life balance is one of the greatest challenges facing modern mums. Dividing time between your family and a demanding career can be stressful and exhausting, leading to feelings of frustration and unnecessary guilt. If you ever feel as though your job is taking up too much of your precious family time, consider opening your own business. There are plenty of resources available to busy mums looking to start a business. For example, you could think of starting a supplements drop shipping business, where you wouldn’t need a huge capital to set up a store or maintain inventory. All you would need is a good website! What’s even better is that you will be able to plan your work schedule around your personal life. Opening a small business can help you to earn money whilst working in a schedule that benefits you. Maybe one day when your children are older, you can expand this business and design online rosters for your staff so that they can also balance their work and personal life by working at times that suit them better. In the meantime though, starting a business in your home could be the way forward. A good example of a business structure with built-in support is a telecommunications business. By partnering with a wholesale provider such as Telcoinabox, busy mums can start their own telecommunications company from the comfort of their own home.

4. Make time for yourself

If you never make time for yourself, the stress of being a busy mum can start to take its toll. Whether you schedule a set time each day to unwind, or simply seize the opportunity on a whim, never underestimate the power of relaxation. Going for a calming walk, catching up with friends or even stopping for a ten-minute meditation session can help to relieve stress. Even taking a relaxing bubble bath could help you relax after a long day. In your bath, you might want to consider using some wholesale cbd bath bombs. That could help you to relax even more, improving your general mood and wellbeing afterward. CBD has a lot of health benefits, so it could be beneficial to use those bath bombs. If you’ve heard about CBD, you may find that this could be an ingredient worth incorporating into your relaxation routine. Click here to find out more about how you may be able to destress with CBD bath bombs. For anything you are not familiar with, be sure to do some research.

If you are constantly on the go from the second your alarm goes off in the morning, try getting up fifteen minutes earlier than you usually would. Allowing yourself a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare for the day ahead can make a huge difference to your stress levels.

Image by Marin / FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Image by Marin / FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Being a mum will always involve a certain amount of chaos and stress, but, by implementing just a few simple lifestyle changes, you can make the experience much less of a struggle for both you and your family. Do you have any tips for busy mums? Share your thoughts in the comments below.