Caring for Your Teeth When You Are in Your 30’s and Older

It is very likely that you have heard individuals say that youth is wasted on younger people. One of the reasons why people say that is because when a person is young, they usually have the best appearance. Their body is the most healthy it will ever be, they look their best, and they have nice teeth, nice skin, and gorgeous hair. However, most young individuals do not always appreciate the condition of their body. In fact, when an individual is young, this is the time when they are usually the most critical of their own appearance.

It’s interesting that many individuals who are in their 30’s and older would love to go back to the time when they were teenagers or in their 20’s. As they begin to develop all of the telltale signs of aging, they wish they could go back to the time when they had a much more attractive appearance. Time and the fact that most individuals who are young do not always take the best care of themselves means that a person in their 30’s and older usually has to take steps to not only care for their body, but to try to reverse some of the damage that was done when they were younger.

Many individuals in their 30’s and older wish they would have taken better care of their teeth when they were young. One of the things that they wish they would have done was avoid food and beverages that stain their teeth. Drinking too much coffee, black tea, red wine, and other dark beverages like this can turn a person’s teeth yellow or brown. Or an individual may have used their teeth as tools when they were younger to open packages and do other things when they really should have used scissors. Damage can also come to a person’s teeth when biting on pens and other items or when chewing on your nails. It is not until a person is older that they realize how bad all of these things were for their teeth.


As you get older, it is important for you to take care of your teeth. Regularly visit your dentist, stay up to date with the latest technology available, including reading an implant dentistry Journal, brush your teeth regularly, floss, and use a mouth guard if you have a problem with grinding your teeth.

*Images from by Stuart Miles and stockimages.