Providing Water for the Entire World

For people growing up in Western society, having clean water is something that is easy to take for granted. They turn on the water faucet, and thanks to a series of pipes and pumps, the water is brought to their home almost instantaneously. In many areas in the West, people have the option of choosing if they want hot water or cold water. And if the water provided by the city is not to their liking, there are scores of water purification companies eager to sell bottled water to the masses.

The system of pumps and pipes that deliver water to a good portion of the world are unfortunately not available to everyone. In the developing world it is estimated that 1.1 billion people do not have easy access to water. While that statistic may be startling, it is positive to realize that every single year the number of people who have access to water grows. As pump and pipe manufacturers learn more about effective forms of water transportation, and as smaller communities in developing nations get access to these new technologies, water becomes readily available.

Image by Danilo Rizzuti /

Image by Danilo Rizzuti /

Because of how important water is for the health and well-being of communities, many nonprofit and charitable organizations around the world are working hand-in-hand at creating effective, affordable, portable devices that allow people to have access to purified drinking water. It is also common for industries to realize the role they play in treating the wastewater generated by their plants. However, they might be unsure about what all methods can be implemented in wastewater treatment that would satisfy the huge industry demands. If that were the case, then depending on their industry type, they can probably consider viable options like woven wire mesh or welded wire cloth. Industries needing more information on the latter options can learn more here or by reading from other online sources.

In addition to the health effects that not having ready access to clean water brings, there are also the economic effects on a community. When people do not have fresh water, their health deteriorates, their ability to work and produce diminishes, and then their community’s ability to generate revenue drops.

Simple products like the Life Straw, which is a mobile water purification tool that is capable of removing over 99 percent of water borne bacteria, are changing the lives of millions of people. Some devices that are designed to accommodate entire communities have an advanced systems of pumps and pipes. Other devices that are made for use in remote areas are designed to function in areas where electrical power, battery power, and replacement parts are not readily available.

Some large-scale water purification devices have been designed to run on small amounts of energy, often less than the energy used by a toaster. There are even examples of water purification systems that can purify thousands of liters of water on a daily basis running off cow dung.

Very soon every single person on the planet will have access to clean water. As mankind works towards that laudable goal, it is nice to see the creative efforts that people are making in this regard.