Simple Joys in Life

Last night, I chanced upon an online contest a couple of my friends have joined on facebook.  It was only an hour before the deadline but thankfully we had a picture that fit the mechanics perfectly:

Our family is blessed to have countless bonding moments everyday as I am a stay at home mom and my husband, although he goes to the office everyday, makes sure that he spends time with us before going to work and helps take care of the toddlers when he gets home.  We seldom go outdoors though as Jade is quite sickly and in several instances fell sick after trips to the grocery or to the mall.

Last December though, we were able to schedule one activity-packed weekend away from home.  It included a morning stroll at the Rizal Park which was, among the activities lined up for the weekend, the cheapest but the most memorable of all. Jade and Jakei had so much fun walking on the green grass,  strolling along tree-lined paths, watching birds hop and fly, and seeing so many things they don’t get to see at home.  Oh, the joy on the toddlers’ faces were indeed priceless!

About two hours of strolling through the historical landmark costs us only 10 pesos each – for the entrance to the Children’s park, and a couple of hundred bucks for gasoline, parking and drinking water.  This just shows that the best things in life do not require great costs.

Here’s our picture taken that morning that won us two new pairs of shoes from Res/Toe/Run:

 photo famatrizalpark.jpg

“For us, this is the best representation of
what “FAMILY TOGETHERNESS” is all about.
We shall be sending you a message on
how you can claim your prize.

Res/Toe/Run could not have said it better:

“Getting to enjoy the simplest things in life with the whole family is just like winning the grand lottery… only for this, the prize is more “priceless” as our family is the only thing in our lives that can never be replaced by anything!! Happy hearts day! :D”

Thank you Res/Toe/Run for launching a contest that reminds us how important FAMILY is and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy priceless moments together!