Cycling: Should We Start Now?

The little ones have been begging for their very own “big” bikes since their cousin was given a new one a few weeks ago.  It seems that three and four-year-olds aren’t supposed to be using baby tandem bikes anymore.  One is asking for a pink bike with bows and the other wants nothing else but a superhero bike.

I have no qualms about their learning how to ride a bike but we live in a busy street where there is absolutely no way they could ride their bikes.  So if we do decide to get them their own bikes, we’d have to take them to the sports center or to the park where they could safely ride their bicycles.  So aside from purchasing two new bikes, we’d also have to get thule bike racks so we can safely transport their bikes through the city.

Hmmm… should I give in to my preschoolers’ request?