The 3rd Singapore Math Learning Festival

Only 10 days left before the 3rd Singapore Math Learning Festival! Parents, teachers, and school administrators are all enjoined to register and take part in this year’s learning fest aptly themed Preparing for the Future: Creativity and Innovation through Singapore Math.

Galileo Learning Festival

As parents and educators, it is our responsibility to prepare our children for the future. We must help equip them with the necessary skills that will make them global citizens of the future. We can do this at school, at events like this, and even at home if you make the most of resources like animated explainer videos.

For years now, educators have been honing learners’ 21st Century Skills needed for them to succeed and thrive in the new global workplace. Among these 21st Century Skills, Creativity and Innovation are the key ingredients needed for solving problems and creating solutions. This is why using the Singapore Math method has become more popular the world over.

Singapore Math is an effective tool in promoting creativity and innovation. It has refined traditional ways of learning math and has transformed how learners see mathematics. Critical thinking skills are greatly improved as learners find creative ways to solve math problems.

This year’s Singapore Math Learning Festival aims to educate parents, teachers, educators, and school administrators with creative and innovative teaching strategies in using Singapore Math. As a parent myself, I do encourage fellow parents and educators to attend this conference and be active partners in raising globally competitive learners.

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