Caring for Your Teeth When You Are in Your 30’s and Older

It is very likely that you have heard individuals say that youth is wasted on younger people. One of the reasons why people say that is because when a person is young, they usually have the best appearance. Their body is the most healthy it will ever be, they look their best, and they have nice teeth, nice skin, and gorgeous hair. However, most young individuals do not always appreciate the condition of their body. In fact, when an individual is young, this is the time when they are usually the most critical of their own appearance.

It’s interesting that many individuals who are in their 30’s and older would love to go back to the time when they were teenagers or in their 20’s. As they begin to develop all of the telltale signs of aging, they wish they could go back to the time when they had a much more attractive appearance. Time and the fact that most individuals who are young do not always take the best care of themselves means that a person in their 30’s and older usually has to take steps to not only care for their body, but to try to reverse some of the damage that was done when they were younger.

Many individuals in their 30’s and older wish they would have taken better care of their teeth when they were young. One of the things that they wish they would have done was avoid food and beverages that stain their teeth. Drinking too much coffee, black tea, red wine, and other dark beverages like this can turn a person’s teeth yellow or brown. Or an individual may have used their teeth as tools when they were younger to open packages and do other things when they really should have used scissors. Damage can also come to a person’s teeth when biting on pens and other items or when chewing on your nails. It is not until a person is older that they realize how bad all of these things were for their teeth.


As you get older, it is important for you to take care of your teeth. Regularly visit your dentist, stay up to date with the latest technology available, including reading an implant dentistry Journal, brush your teeth regularly, floss, and use a mouth guard if you have a problem with grinding your teeth.

*Images from by Stuart Miles and stockimages. 

Wracked With Headaches? It Might Be Time To See A Neurologist

Sometimes, neurological problems may manifest in ways that seem unusual. A neurological problem may not be immediately apparent. While the symptoms below may be caused by less serious illnesses and should not necessarily alarm people, when seeing a doctor for these conditions, it may be worth asking whether a visit to a neurologist Cypress TX might be in order.


Most headaches are little reason for concern beyond any debilitating effects they have on a person’s daily activities. In fact, you can carry out a quick symptom check at TreatHeadaches, to find out which kind of headache you have and how to make it better. However, there are a few signs that may indicate further investigation is necessary. Headaches that occur multiple times each week and do not respond to over-the-counter medications, headaches that come on suddenly and include a stiff neck or a fever, and headaches that are getting worse over time may all indicate the need to see a neurologist. People may also want to seek a medical opinion if their headache is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, blurry vision or other symptoms. Alternatively, this article here explains how useful CBD can be in the fight against headaches.


Dizziness that causes vertigo or balance problems may be a reason to see a neurologist. A person’s regular physician will have a better idea as to whether referral is appropriate.


Not all seizures are obvious. Some may involve staring or a brief loss of consciousness. Low blood sugar and other conditions may lead to seizures, but they might also happen due to a neurological condition. CBD oil has also proved particularly helpful in this area too, with studies showing it to reduce seizures in people with epilepsy. If you’d like to learn more about the applications of CBD then you could check for more information.

Weakness, Numbness or Tingling

It’s natural to feel some weakness after you have exerted yourself physically or numbness and tingling if you have allowed a limb to “go to sleep.” However, if these symptoms arise out of nowhere, it could be indicative of a more serious issue.

Problems With Movement

A person who is having trouble walking, is experiencing involuntary movements or is excessively clumsy may want to rule out causes such as anxiety and medication side effects first. However, if these problems are occurring for no apparent reason, a neurologist such as one at Cyfair Medical Partners might be able to diagnose the condition.

Neurologists deal with problems in the brain and nervous system, and for some people, the prospect of developing an illness associated with these parts of the body may be so frightening that there may be a temptation to ignore or downplay the symptoms. However, finding out what is wrong is the first step toward treatment, and a neurologist may be able to offer solutions that greatly improve a person’s quality of life.

Mastering the Mommy – Wife Balance: Surprising Reasons He Loves Your Post-Baby Body

ID-100111555 “Hands Of Pregnant Woman And Her Husband In Heart Shape” by David Castillo Dominici

You’re excited about your new baby, but you’re also a little worried. There’s that nagging voice in the back of your head. It won’t shut up.

“Will my husband still find me attractive after the baby is born?”

It’s a common fear shared by many moms-to-be who are anxious about their post baby body. Well, here’s what your husband is thinking, but won’t ever say to your face.

“I Don’t Understand Your Pain, But I Understand The Results”

A surprising number of men “feel your pain,” even if they can never understand it. Many men had their “glory days” back in high school or college. They were the wrestling champ, the star football player. Maybe they lifted weights and tried to stay in shape. When they got serious about their career and got married, things started to change. After a baby, things start to change dramatically.

And, that’s when their bodies start to change, and not always for the better. They lose their hair, they get fatter, they start to show signs of getting older. Some men even pursue plastic surgery to “fix” what they think is “wrong” with them, according to We’ve heard that sexy women at websites similar to frankfurt are some fine examples of these kinds of surgeries working their intended magic.

So, while you might think you’re husband looks at you differently, it might not be in a negative light. You may have just found a stronger partner who can relate to you (at least on some level).

“I Like Your Stretch Marks”

Some men like stretch marks. It’s a sign of maturity. For some, it’s a sign of beauty because children are beauty. It seems strange, but it’s true.

“I Hate Fakeness, And I Appreciate The “Realness Of Your Body”

Many men are just as cautious about women who try too hard to look sexy as you are about men trying to “act younger than they really are.” There’s a sort of fakeness to it – one that men sense from a mile away. Being pregnant, and having your body change, is about as authentic as it gets. Embrace it.

Some men go so far as to say that they hate plastic surgery and don’t want their wife to have her boobs done, butt lifted, and cheeks filled out. Saying this though, if a breast lift or tummy tuck is something you want to get done for yourself and no one else, then you should have the right to do just that! If your partner loves you, they will see that for themselves. Of course, if you ask your hubby whether you look fat in your jeans, he’s unlikely to tell you the truth. The truth can hurt sometimes. And, he loves you and doesn’t want to hurt you.

“I’m A Jerk and I Know It”

Of course, not all men appreciate a postpartum body. Some husbands really won’t understand their wives, what they’re going through, or appreciate the gravity of the situation. And, those men end up single.

If your husband seems to be disconnected from you and what you’re going through, you might have a problem. Sometimes, men “tune out” and believe that depression or a change in your attitude is “all in your head.”

For these men, they have a serious empathy problem, for sure. But, what should you do? What can you do?

Sometimes, nothing. But, if you open up a conversation about it, you’re sure to find out. And, that can give you valuable information – regardless of how things turn out.


This is a guest post by Dr Kevin M. Ruhge who is an Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and is always keen to take the opportunity to share his views and research with an online audience. He has already written a number of articles about reconstructive surgery.

Join Our Fight Against Wound Infection – Say #NoToStaphy

I seldom attend events especially when they are set on weekdays but one Wednesday morning last year had me getting ready to go out right after the kids hopped onto their school service. What had me waking up extra early and braving the morning traffic? An invitation from LEO Pharma™ and their digital partner PurpleBug® to a Mommy Bloggers Meet and Greet Event featuring talks about wound care by Dr. Kristine Guitierrez and Dr. Irene Gardiner, both experts in the field of medicine. Yes, I didn’t mind traveling from my little abode in the East all the way to Sofitel Manila and back because I believe that every mom like me SHOULD know proper wound care.

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Dr. Irene Gardiner, Dr. Kristine Gutierrez, and Mr. Lars Olen (VP Leo Pharma Global)



What’s the first thing you do when your child comes running to you with a wound? I bet the first thing you do is grab that bottle of hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound and to immediately kill the germs. The more bubbles there are the better, right? I’ll be bursting your bubble but that is SO NOT TRUE! Hydrogen Peroxide may kill some of the germs (I say MAY because it doesn’t always do) but it also destroys the cells that help repair the wound. The same thing goes for alcohol. Next time, your child has a minor wound, just wash it with soap and water.

Myth #1: Wounds should be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.

Myth Debunked: Hydrogen Peroxide destroys other cells. Use soap and water instead.

You check your child’s wound and see that there’s no foul odor coming from it and there’s no drainage. You breathe a sigh of relief that there’s no infection. Uh-oh! Better put some medicine on that wound because ALL wounds are susceptible to infection. Even if there’s no foul odor or visible pus, your child’s wound could still be infected.

Myth #2: All infected wounds have foul odor and drainage.

Myth Debunked: All wounds are susceptible to infection.


After you have cleansed your child’s wound, you keep it dry and uncovered for it to heal faster. You could even use a wound healing tool like Woundvite. After all, you have always been told that bacteria will flourish under a wound dressing. Wrong! First, cells need moisture to grow, so keeping your wounds moist will help it heal faster with less scarring. Second, bacteria will only flourish if you don’t change the dressing regularly.

Myth #3: Keep wounds dry.

Myth #4: Bacteria will flourish under a wound bandage.

Myths Debunked: Wounds heal faster if kept moist.


Now that we have debunked some of the most common wound care myths, the next thing we moms absolutely need to know is how to properly treat wounds.

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Dr. Kristine Guitierrez says #NoToStaphy with Fucidin!



After finding out that wound should not be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, I’m sure you’re now at a loss what to do when someone in the family has a wound. Here are the 7 steps to proper wound care I learned during the event:


  1. STOP the bleeding by applying steady but gentle pressure. If necessary, elevate the wounded area.
  2. CLEAN the wound and the area around it with soap and water. Remember, no hydrogen peroxide or alcohol please.
  3. PROTECT against wound infection by using topical medicine such as Fucidin®
  4. COVER big wounds with bandage to decrease chances of infection and to aid in faster healing.
  5. CHANGE the dressings when the bandage becomes dirty or wet.
  6. OBSERVE for signs of infection such as redness, increasing pain, warmth or swelling around the area, and pus oozing out.
  7. CONSULT your doctor if infection does not heal, if the wound needs stitching, if the bleeding does not stop, or if the wound is from animal bites.


During the event, I not only learned more about wound care but also received my very own wound care kit. Inside my first aid kit were sterile cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs, gauze pads, plastic strips, surgical scissors, medical tape, antiseptic (for sterilizing hands not the wound!), and, of course, my partner in wound care, Fucidin® Ointment.

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Have you met Staphy? I have met Staphy the mascot and found him cute instead of scary. BUT the real Staphy (staphylococcus aureus) is nowhere near cute. Staphy lives in our skin and in mucous membranes such as inside the nose. He isn’t considered harmful on ordinary days but this naughty bacteria wrecks havoc when there’s a break in the skin surface. Staphy finds its way underneath the skin, multiplies, and infects the skin and underlying tissues in the wound. Naughty Staphy causes nasty wound infections!

STAPHY 1There’s no need to fret though ‘cause LEO PharmaTM has been providing us the best weapon against wound infection – Fucidin®. I remember Fucidin as one of the medicines we always had in our medicine kit when I was young. Yes, Fucidin has been in the market for many years now (And, yes, I am old! :D). It has been proven to effectively fight against wound infection without minimal side effects and risk of sensitization. It’s safe enough to be used by babies and pregnant women.

Fucidin® comes in two formulations – Fucidin® Ointment and Fucidin® Cream. Dr. Guiterrez shared an easy to remember mnemonic to help us decide which formulation to use:

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If the wound is MOIST, use CREAM.
If the wound is DRY, use OINTMENT



As moms, one of our duties is to keep our kids LEO Pharmahealthy and happy. That also includes making sure that they are well-protected against wound infections. With partners like LEO PharmaTM whose mission is to help people achieve healthy skin, we moms can go full force against infection.

Join us in our fight and say #NoToStaphy! Check out the following social media sites to know more about proper care for wound infection and Fucidin®:


Fucidin Team



Teen Tooth Trends: Understanding the Horrors of Homemade Braces

Some trends turn out to be a good idea and others are the complete opposite, which is certainly the case when it comes to the idea of homemade braces.

You only have to spend a few minutes talking to a teen orthodontist in NYC or anywhere else for that matter, to understand that anyone contemplating the idea of making a homemade brace should think very carefully about the potential consequences of trying to save some money.

The risk to your teeth

A quick search of the internet will most likely reveal someone offering to sell a DIY brace and fix your teeth so that they become nice and straight.

The reality of what could actually happen to your teeth is alarming and rather than fixing your wonky teeth, dental surgeons everywhere are warning that there is just as much chance of losing your teeth altogether rather than turning them into a perfect smile, so if you want to try braces it might be worth looking at someone similar to Babiner Dental if you are interested in getting braces, and get it done by a professional.

The practice being advertised online is referred to as gap band and there is every chance that applying a gap band by following one of the numerous YouTube instructional videos will result in permanent damage to your gums.

No need to go to the dentist

The selling point of this homemade “solution” is that you can straighten your teeth without having any need to visit the dentist. This doesn’t sound like something you should try, as I can just picture all that can go wrong with this. Dentists are here for a specific reason, so it makes sense to use the services they offer, rather than taking things into your own hands. It’s easier to search something like Dentist Frederick than it is to try and become a dentist in your own home, no matter how good you think you are.

Whilst this would obviously be a cheaper option it is clearly a terrible idea and if you view a wide offering cheap easy braces the clue is in the dialogue about the dangers, as the demonstrator advises that wearing the bands but it will be worth it in the end.

There is every chance that these homemade braces are going to be the complete opposite of worth it and although the cost comparison between proper dental care and the online DIY kit makes it tempting, there is every reason to resist the urge to cut corners when it comes to your teeth and your oral health in general. You really shouldn’t try to cut corners when it comes to your teeth (or health for that matter), so if you want to get your teeth checked, then you should take a look at someone like Orthodontex to give you an idea of what to do next and what is on offer to you.

What you could do to your gums

Using these homemade elastic bands is almost certainly going to give you some problems with your gums and any money you save will seem very insignificant when you have to visit your dentist and try and resolve whatever issues you have inflicted on yourself.

What you need to consider is that dentists and orthodontists such as Grand Family Dentistry in Mandeville or someone equally qualified and professionally trained knows how to apply braces correctly. So if you attempt to use these cheaper online brands as an alternative, there is a good chance that too much pressure will be applied to your gums and the blood supply can get cut off. It would thus, be a wise option to consider getting your teeth checked by specialists, rather than doing it yourself.

When this happens, this will change the shape of your gums and cause a severe inflammation and subsequent infection.

Not all of us have dental cover in place to cover the cost of orthodontics but teenagers and anyone for that matter who is considering the DIY route, should think long and hard about buying a homemade alternative to visiting your orthodontist for proper treatment, especially when the ultimate result could be losing their teeth altogether.

This is a guest post by Shannon Cross who is studying orthodontics at dentistry school. She became interested in orthodontics as a career after having braces fitted at 13. She shares industry news and what she is learning through her writing for health related blogs.