The Best Fitness Move for Any Mom on the Go

Between hauling kids and groceries, picking up after almost everyone in the household and all the million other things moms do, there’s often not much time to focus on fitness. Of course if you can find enough time to do some physical exercise then jump at the chance. From yoga to Tennis Lessons, anything will help. While many of these activities may give our upper-bodies – or at least our biceps – a boost, but what about the rest? There’s one fitness move that provides advantages for the core, balance, hips thighs and buttocks: squats. Read on to find out more about the benefits of squats and how you can easily do them wherever you are and however busy your schedule is.

Benefits of Squats

The simple squat can be done almost anywhere, any time. It doesn’t need any special equipment, and this one little exercise works 200 different muscles. It’s also a great low-impact cardio move. From descent to ascent, the movement is designed to activate the three largest muscle groups in the right order and improve flexibility in the knee, hip and ankle joints. A simple exercise such as squats can do wonders to your torso and lower body strength, so much so that you can feel the benefits of it in all aspects of your life. Moreover, combining it with a few other quick exercises can enhance your endeavors in the bedroom and you can have a long lasting experience that provides much more satisfaction!

This targeted fitness move is so effective, you don’t have to do many to get results in a very short time. Because it’s a weight-bearing exercise, meaning you’re using your own body weight as leverage, it gives you some of the benefits of weight-training. Weight-training is one of the most beneficial workouts, especially as we get older. It helps retain lean muscle mass and strengthens bones to ward off osteoporosis. Some people choose to get custom weight cables made from for machines to help them with weight training, but others find that squats can help you do the same thing without stepping into a gym.

Form is Everything

You may know squats from your fitness video or class, but did you realize how much variety and benefit comes from this one simple move when it’s done right? There are three components to the perfect squat, and all variations start from there:

Center of gravity line (CoGL) – this is the optimal starting position to ensure proper alignment and balance from start to finish. Your knees should never extend beyond your toes at any point during execution, and your back should remain straight, with your head up and face forward.

Hip flexion – refers to the hinge function of the hips and their placement at each point of the movement. With the CoGL in mind, most of the bend should be at the hip, without the pressure on the knees that causes so many problems. To get it done properly, push your bottom back as you bend, using the hip flexion, as if your trying to sit down. There are several exercise videos available to help those trying to improve their hip flexors. This Review of unlock your hip flexors, for example, could help someone choose the best workout products for them.

Proper heel pressure – all of the weight should be in your heels, not on the balls of your feet. With the proper heel pressure and weight distribution, your balance will be better, and you’ll really feel the burn in the places that need it the most.

Squat Variations

The basic squat is just descent/ascent, with arms straight out in front of you. It only takes 30 reps, 4 – 5 days a week, and you can go on about your day. However, if you want to avoid the plateau effect or just change things up once in a while, you can try some variations.

  • instead of just holding your arms straight out in front, hold some weights, either light dumbbells or a disc
  • try placing your hands behind your head, elbows straight out to the side; make sure to retain your form and balance
  • on the descent, slide one leg out to the side, toe pointed; switch legs with each rep

3 Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Dentist

The health of your mouth is important. If you are at risk for gum disease, oral cancer or prone to cavities, your dentist is trained to diagnose and alert you to their progress. A brooklyn ny dentist, for example, will run a series of visual tests and x-rays to determine your current overall oral health. Dental technology continues to make advancements, so if you are someone who requires extra accommodations during your visit, you will probably find that your dentist can extend them to you. There are loads of other dentist options though, it’s completely up to you when you pick which one is best. If you are looking for recommendations though, you could pick something like the Carmel Mountain Ranch Dental Care. However, all dentists vary and you are free to chose what would suit you the most.

Here are three reasons why you should regularly visit your dentist.


First and foremost, keeping up with bi-annual dental appointments is about preventing potentially painful and expensive dental work later. As your dentist visually examines the health of your teeth, gums and mouth, any obvious issues, like cavities, can be addressed immediately. X-rays catch what is happening in your mouth beneath the surface. If the possibility that a root canal could be brewing, your dentist may be able to circumvent the problem before it gets worse. If a cavity is so deep that a filing alone will not solve the issue, a portion of your tooth may be salvageable with a crown. It could also be the case that regular visits can allow your Orthodontist to find irregularities or movement within your teeth as you age (for younger children or adults) that may then require the likes of braces or other alignment solutions that could be used.


Visiting your dentist twice a year means that at least two times a year, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned. We love visiting our Wellington dentist, all the staff are so kind and caring! Your job is then to maintain that cleanliness at home by brushing, rinsing and flossing. The dental hygienist has a better view of your teeth and gums. For this reason, this professional will be able to scrape plaque in crevices and blind-spots you cannot reach. Professional cleanings prevent build-up on your teeth that leads to gum disease, cavities or worse.


Maybe you are not 100% satisfied with your smile, and you have considered cosmetic dental procedures to improve its whiteness, look or shape. Dental technology continues to improve. Once upon a time, dental filings were gray. Today, they are matched to your tooth’s color. Improvement in dental technology and procedures means that prices drop as time passes. By keeping up with your dental appointments, your dentist can keep you abreast of new procedures that may interest you. More importantly, they may be more affordable, too.

The overall health of your mouth should rank high on your priority list. Prevention, cleanings and cosmetic issues are three reasons why you should regularly visit your dentist. Your local dentist should be open most day, but you can always use dentist websites to find dentistry’s in your area and book an appointment for cleaning and cosmetic needs.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

You might be a person who is very set in your ways. You know that you have habits that are not healthy. However, you find them very hard to change after so many years. If this is the case, you are certainly not alone. There are millions of people around the world who find themselves in the same situation. It is important to understand that neglecting your health when you are young will lead to many different complications as you get older. Therefore, you need to be proactive and change your ways before you develop a physical problem that is irreversible. Changing your lifestyle to a healthy one will not be easy. However, it will be worth it in the long run. Here are a few of the benefits you will get from doing this.

1. You will have a stronger immune system.

There are many people who get sick very often. They cannot figure out why this happens to them. In many cases, they have neglected their health to the point that their immune system has been severely weakened. This has allowed them to be more susceptible to viruses and bacteria that are in the environment. There are a wide variety of things that you can do to make sure that your immune system is always strong and healthy. For example, something as simple as getting enough sleep each night can do wonders for your immune system. You might also want to shop for spirulina powder online and start taking it on a daily basis. A strong immune system will help to prevent you from getting those annoying colds that seemingly take forever to go away. You will be able to fight off illnesses much faster than you could when you were neglecting your health.

2. You will have more energy.

Are you someone who is a zombie in the morning until you get your cup of coffee? Eating a healthier diet and exercising on a regular basis will give you the added boost of energy that you are looking for. Consuming the right vitamins and minerals will give your body the energy it needs to get you through the day without constantly feeling tired as you are working. You should not need to rely on caffeine to give you a jolt of energy. Stop your dependency on stimulants and get your energy from a more natural source like vitamins and minerals. You will be able to find a large assortment of supplements at many different retail and drug stores. However, if you still cannot find the right one, you can try visiting online stores such as Tribe Organics (, which might be able to help you choose the right supplement for your needs.

3. Your mood will drastically improve.

People who are constantly feeling tired and sick will understandably be in a bad mood the majority of the time. You will notice that you enjoy life much more when you have taken the steps you need to improve your health. Life will be more fun than it was before because you are not constantly dealing with the nagging physical ailments that unhealthy people often have to deal with.

4. You can inspire other people to follow your lead and get healthy.

You can serve as a role model to other people in your life. You might have friends, family members or work colleagues who are living unhealthy lives. Seeing the improvements that you have made might inspire them to improve their health.

Accident or Intention: Protect Your Family from Accident Fraud

Car accident lawyers can help if your family falls victim to a case of accident fraud. Getting involved in a crash is always stressful, but many people don’t realize that collisions are often intentional. Scammers look to make claims against your automobile insurance company or their own for fake car damage and injuries. Organized crime rings are even involved in accident fraud.

Types of Fraudulent Accidents

Some types of accidents are commonly staged for the purpose of fraud. If you become familiar with the sneaky strategies used by scammers, you are better equipped to avoid falling victim to them. The following are a few examples of common collision scams:

  • A motorist suddenly pulls in front of your vehicle and slams on the brakes, causing an unavoidable rear-end collision. In this type of case, passengers are often in the suspect vehicle. They pretend to have suffered whiplash injuries such as neck and back pain.
  • If you are in the outside lane of a dual left-turn lane, a scammer might deliberately ram you. There may be fake witnesses, as well, to back up the fraud’s story.
  • As you attempt to merge into traffic, a person may slow down as though to wave you in and then crash into your vehicle once you move ahead.

An additional method for making the most of a fake collision is that the scammer will stage nearby helpers, to direct you toward a specific body shop, medical clinic, or lawyer.

What to do if you Suspect an Accident is Fraudulent

Facts are your best protection against liability associated with a fraudulent collision. Personal injury attorneys like Doug Beam and other reputed law professionals can help the injured claim their deserving compensation money. However, it requires proper factual evidence to prove that the collision wasn’t wrongfully intended from your side. Facts can help a lawyer to claim reparations. If you are subject to an accident, take photographs from all angles of involved vehicles, and give special attention to the damage. Include photos of the license plate as well as pictures of the driver and any of his or her passengers. Jot down detailed notes about everything pertaining to the crash. In addition, get the following information about the other motorist and, where applicable, the passengers:

  • Auto insurance details
  • Vehicle registration information
  • Driver’s license number
  • Name, address, and phone number
  • General height, weight, and ethnicity of the driver and passengers in the other vehicle

If you suspect that you have been involved in a staged collision, call the police and contact qualified personal injury or car accident lawyers. Report the same information to your auto insurance company.

How to Avoid Accident Fraud

Remain alert, drive cautiously, and be prepared when you drive, to avoid accident fraud. Always have a camera, pen, and paper handy so that you can take photographs and write notes at the scene of an accident. You may be at higher risk than other drivers. The following are risk factors for being targeted for accident fraud:

  • If you drive a work vehicle, including an 18-wheeler. Payouts involving these types of vehicles tend to be more generous.
  • If your car is a new or luxury vehicle. These types of automobiles usually have higher insurance limits.
  • If you are a woman or an older adult. Scam artists may consider these drivers easier intimidation targets.

There are many potential negative consequences for victims of accident fraud. You could end up being required to pay for damages you aren’t responsible for. There are inconveniences that can take up a lot of your time. Your insurance premiums could go up. Worst of all, you could suffer trauma or injury. Fatalities are sometimes involved, as well. For these reasons and more, don’t hesitate to contact car accident lawyers, if you’ve been in an accident possibly involving accident fraud.

For the Children: Is Vaping A Safer Alternative When You Have Children?

The Vaping safety debate has been raging in the UK in the past few years as the big tobacco companies start to panic about the popularity of e-cigarettes. With e-cigarettes addressing the dangers associated with tobacco, and reducing them significantly, making the switch can be the best decision you make for the health of your family.

A 2015 expert review from Public Health England estimated e-cigs are 95% less harmful than cigarettes for the consumer. But what is the holistic effect of giving up the cigarettes and switching to vaping?

We break it down for you to highlight the safety benefits of switching to vaping, especially when you have kids around the house.

Passive Smoking Cigarette Smoke vs Water Vapour

The main danger for children who live with smokers is passive smoking, which is why many people choose to use the cheapest snus online instead. Cigarette tobacco contains a mixture of over 4000 irritants, toxins and chemicals and most of these are released into the air around you when you smoke cigarettes.

For children of parents who vape, the risks associated with vaping are much lower. A negligible amount of nicotine is released into the environment as vapour is released in a controlled fashion. In the UK, there are no plans to ban vaping inside public places.

Accidental Consumption

If your children are young, your main concern will probably be tiny sticky fingers that seem to want to put everything into their ever tasting little mouths. With tobacco you must consider not only storage of the tobacco, papers, pipe, filters etc but also disposing of the cigarette ash and butts afterwards where your children are unable to reach them.

With vaping you have only a main unit and chosen liquids. While these should always be kept out of reach of your children and pets, it is much easier to keep everything neat and tidy and contained. E-liquid in the UK can be bought both online and in the high street.

Furthermore, Vape products are only sold to adults aged over 18. Vape Shops strictly enforce this rule, meaning that vaping products can not be brought online or off the high street unless a person has a valid form of ID. As a result, vape products such as pod vape are just as inaccessible as traditional tobacco products.

There is also no need for lighters or matches with e-cigarettes, so there is no danger of your kids accidentally burning down the house!

A Cleaner Environment

No spilt ash trays, white ceilings that stay white, no nicotine stained furniture and much cleaner air – what an improvement to your families living environment! Vaping totally removes the dangers and pitfalls associated with tobacco, delivering a clean and measured dosage to the consumer. Looking for your choice of vape pens and e-liquid from websites such as Vapella and similar others could prove fruitful in our search for the perfect vape combination for us.

Your family hated sharing your tobacco smoke with you, anyway!

Vaping releases water vapour, not smoke, which is sweet smelling – much like household air fresheners. The smell does not stick to clothes or stain fabrics and walls.

Overall, the biggest danger to our kids from vaping is to glamorise and make consumption of nicotine fashionable to developing minds and bodies. It’s important, especially with older children, to keep an open line of communication and educating them on the addictive nature of nicotine and your reasoning for switching to vaping, most children of ex-smokers report that they are just happy that they no longer have to deal with tobacco smoke, stains, stench or ash anymore!