Bathroom Bliss

Although being a stay-at-home-mom to my two toddlers is the best and most rewarding career for me, there are still times when I find myself overwhelmed with stress and weighed down by fatigue. As much as I would love to pamper myself in a spa or in a salon, I often just settle for some self-pampering in our bathroom. It has actually become my haven where I can relax and clear my thoughts for a little while. I did spend a bit of money on this bathroom, because I wanted it to feel like a really relaxing room. I remember when we were designing it and I looked at so many things (like these stone floors for bathrooms).

Last night, while spending my precious “me” time enjoying the soft pitter-patter of the shower, I noticed a crack on the corner of our bathroom mirror. Toddlers rule the house so cracked bathroom mirrors are definitely hazards that need to be addressed immediately. Now a trip to the store is certainly in order, now I’m getting a little wary of our shower screen becoming broken and possibly hurting our toddlers, which may force me to look into something like these custom glass shower doors.