Milk Teeth Need To Be Checked Too

The toddlers were long overdue for a visit to the dentist. Usually I go to this Dentist Orlando, but we were finally able to take them to a very dear friend, Dra. Lisa Orense, who squeezed us in her very hectic schedule and took a peek at the toddlers’ milk teeth. When we arrived at the clinic, there was still another patient being treated so we had to wait a little while for our turn. While waiting, I again reminded the toddlers about what the dentist would be doing.

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practicing their “ahhhs” while waiting for their turn

My kids are very sociable so they took to Tita Lisa very easily. We were ushered inside the dental clinic and Tita Lisa made sure that the toddlers were comfortable. Jade was checked first as she had no qualms sitting on the dental chair. The dentist also did not have a hard time checking her teeth as she gamely said Ahh and followed all of the dentist’s instructions.

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happy little girl getting all comfy in the dental chair

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This little girl’s hands are sooo very swift… you’d think she was trained by Fagin

If checking Jade’s teeth was a breeze, checking Jakei’s proved to be a challenge for Tita Lisa. He refused to sit in the dental chair and would not let go of dear Mama. So while safely ensconced in my arms, the dentist coaxed him to open his mouth and allow her to place the dental mirror inside. It took a while but soon she was able to check his teeth also. It’s important you get your children used to the dentist early so they don’t develop any teeth or gum problems later on in life and need serious dental care such as periodontics.

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the toddlers with their very beautiful dentist, Tita Lisa


  1. It looks like it was a success! Good idea taking pictures. I know 6 months is a long time between visits in kid time… this way they can remember how great they did last time.

  2. Beautiful dentist…beautiful mom too πŸ™‚
    Just a few weeks ago, I took my daughter to the dentist because of a toothache that won’t let up. She had an extraction. It was a success, but not without much prodding and bribery πŸ™‚
    I’m sure your kids will look forward to their next dentist trip.

    • Thanks, Pepper! When we were little, my mom would bribe us with ice cream after a visit to the dentist. I’m hoping I wouldn’t have to do the same. Would you believe that little Jade is actually asking to see her dentist again? πŸ˜€

  3. this is nice. Where is dr. orense’s clinic? Im looking for a good dentist for my kids. thanks πŸ™‚

  4. My little boy is having a hard time just thinking of going to the dentist..I’ll definitely show him your photos and let him see that it is not bad at all.. all smiles at the end of the day! thanks for posting:)


  1. […] meeting Mr. Drill, chances are he’ll never want to see the dentist again.Β Β  Our little ones first trip to the dentist was when Jade was 2 years old and Jakei was 1 year old.Β  It went really well with the kids asking […]