Quick Workout Without Leaving Your Desk

Most moms I know who work at home often complain of neck and back pains. So, do most people who spend hours working on their office tables. Some of them who do suffer with back and neck pain took it upon themselves to do a quick search into something like chiropractor great barr (if they lived near this area) of the UK, to find out from a specialist how to effectively treat these uncomfortable pains. No one should have to deal with this every day of their lives, but this is the reason that professionals in this particular field exist. These pains are mostly caused by unusually long periods of sitting. Call center agents, for one, stay seated for long periods of time and most hardly get any exercise due to their work schedules.

Here are some exercises you can do at home or in the office, WITHOUT leaving your chair. Breathe easily and comfortably while doing the exercises. Stretch rather than bounce or jerk with each exercise.


  • Forward and Backward Bends. Sit straight with shoulders relaxed. Bring chin to chest, then bend head back. Do this 10 times.
  • Rotation. Sit straight with shoulders relaxed and chin parallel to the floor. Turn head to the right then to the left. Do this 10 times.
  • Side Bending. Sit straight with shoulders relaxed. Bend neck to one side, bring ear towards the shoulder. Repeat on the other side. Do this for 10 times.


  • Forward Bending. Place palm of hand on forehead. Resist attempt to bend neck forward (no motion takes place). Count for 6 seconds. Then slowly release tension. Do this 10 times.
  • Backward Bending. Place hands behind head. Resist attempt to bend head backwards. Count for 6 seconds. Then slowly release tension. Do this 10 times.
  • Side Bending. Place hand on one side of head. Resist attempt to bend head on that side. Count for 6 seconds. Then slowly release tension. Repeat on the other side. Do this 10 times.
  • Rotation. Place hand on corner of forehead. Resist attempt to turn head on that side. Count for 6 seconds. Then slowly release tension. Do this 10 times.


  • Sideward Stretch. Place hand on corner of forehead with the forearm going over the head. Pull head to the opposite side. Hold and count for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Do this 3 times.
  • Backward Stretch. Place hands in a closed fist position under your chin and push up. Hold and count for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times.
  • Forward Stretch. Place both hands behind your head. Push down head toward floor. Hold and count for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times.
  • NECK TUCKS. Sit straight with shoulders relaxed and chin parallel to the floor. Pull head back by tucking chin in. Do this 10 times.
  • SHOULDER CIRCLES. Bring shoulders up to ears, then down. Do this 10 times. Do circles with your shoulders 10 times as well.

These exercises can be done in 10-15 minutes and can help alleviate your neck and back pains if done regularly. So, take a few minutes off and put those neck muscles to work. Now!