Introducing Rhymes With “Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?”

We’re delving into the world of rhyming words now and by great happenstance, Jade chose to borrow “Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?” from the Learning Library today.  Although we have a couple of books focused on teaching rhyming words, Jesse Bear books incorporate rhymes in a fun and playful story.

Jesse Bear, what will you wear
What will you wear at night?
Sleep in my eyes
And stars in the skies
Moon on my bed
And dreams in my head
That’s what I’ll wear tonight.

Both the little ones like Jesse Bear so we always end up reading the books over and over and over again. The lilting verse and the wonderful illustrations keep them entertained.  This makes it a wonderful book for teaching rhymes without getting them all bored and listless.

Here’s a list of Jesse Bear books you may want to grab on your next visit to the book shop:

Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?
Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear
It’s About Time, Jesse Bear, and Other Rhymes
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear?
Happy Birthday, Jesse Bear
Let’s Count It Out, Jesse Bear
What aScare, Jesse Bear
Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear?
Guess Who’s Coming, Jesse Bear
Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear