SkyXplore Brings the Skies Closer to Us

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star…When You Wish Upon A Star…Star Light, Star Bright – These are but a few songs sung to us by our moms and which we have sung also to our children when they were little.   Sadly though, our fascination with stars do not go beyond these few simple songs.  The mere mention of Astronomy making us cringe

Though most of us do still remember studying about the planets and the universe in grade school and in high school, only just a handful show profound interest in studying them further.  Astronomy really isn’t a popular field of study here in our country.  Aside from  the misconception that Astronomy is esoteric,  tools and equipment used for its study come with a hefty price.

SkyXplore, the pioneer state-of-the-art science road show in our country,  aims to counter these misconceptions and to promote Astronomy awareness.  As the only mobile digital planetarium in the Philippines, SkyXplore is able to engage students in discovering the wonders of the vast Universe.  It has partnered with hundreds of schools and institutions and presented Astronomy in a more interactive and more interesting manner.   SkyXplore has been succesful in sparking the curiosity of students through the Space Dome(a Mobile Digital Planetarium), Film Showing, NASA Space Photos and Meteorite Exhibits, Ask-An-Astronomer program, and Solar Viewing and Stargazing.


SkyXplore has many more exciting events to offer this year so do visit their website at and like their Facebook page for updates.


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  1. […] it possible for us to view and appreciate the wonders of our galaxy without having to travel far.  SkyXplore brings to us the first and only Mobile Digital Planetarium – the Space Dome – in the country […]