A Glass of Red Wine For A Happy Heart

Alcohol has been found to increase HDL, the good cholesterol, and by doing so decreases the chances of acquiring heart disease.  Wine has been widely believed to be good for the heart because of it contains flavonoids, antioxidants that lower LDL and increase HDL.   Red wine is our alcohol source of choice because it also contains the antioxidant resveratrol.

I read a little bit about red wine and its effect on cholesterol and found out that the sweeter the wine, the less flavonoids it contains.  Which means we’ve been buying the wrong kind of red wine.  You see, when drinking red wine to help decrease your cholesterol level, you’d want to choose those that contain a significant amount of flavonoids.  Apparently, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir contain the most flavonoids and should be our wine of choice.  Moreover, the dryer the wine is, the more flavonoids it will most likely contain.

Since red wine has been a part of my husband’s daily diet, perhaps we should get our own wine making kit at HomeBrewIt.com for home brewing supplies and make our own wine.