Cleaning Your Carpet the Green Way

Carpets do provide great aesthetic appeal to our homes and necessitate special care to prolong their beauty. I bought my carpet from Carpets at Big Warehouse Sale and I love it, it’s great quality and does clean pretty well. Since they become magnets to dirt and dust, we have to ensure that they are free from harmful allergens, odors, dirt and bacteria that may place our family’s health at risk. Equally important is that we use safe and non-toxic cleaners to maintain our carpets. Harsh carpet cleaners may cause more harm than good by triggering allergies, asthma, or breathing problems.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

There are now a myriad of green carpet cleaners in the market but you can actually make your very own carpet cleaners using ingredients you already have in your home. If you’re using a steam cleaner, you may use equal parts of white vinegar and warm water. The house may smell of vinegar for several minutes but the odor will disappear once the cleaning solution dries up. For stains, make a paste with white vinegar and baking soda then use an old toothbrush to work the paste into the stain. Leave it to dry then vacuum the residue. For stubborn stains, just repeat the procedure until the stain is gone. If you’ve tried this and haven’t noticed any difference to the stain, you can always use services similar to what a carpet cleaning san juan capistrano company can offer. There’s no harm in getting some help, especially if you’ve done all you could.

Cleaning your carpet regularly may help prolong its life; however, it is still important to have it cleaned by professionals every once in a while. Look for service providers that advocate green cleaning as well and use only biodegradable, non-toxic and organic ingredients in their cleaners. One such company is Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC which uses only 100% natural and organic ingredients in their carpet cleaners. Since these types of cleaners are safe and non-toxic, they are very health-friendly and earth-friendly which makes them the best option for homes with young children.


  1. I agree with you Olga about using the home steam cleaners to get the carpets clean but that do not do much they only clean the fibers but have no effect on padding as all the dirt and allergens get mixed with the water from the steam cleaner and gets settled at the padding. So we can say that the carpets only get cleaned from the top. What one should do along with the DIY cleaning, Hire the professional carpet cleaners and get the carpets cleaned by them once in 90 days.