K Bewitching Spooky Halloween

Halloween, Halloween

Creepy, crawly Halloween


The Halloween program in the kids’ school this year was very different from last year’s.   Halloween 2012, little girls in school were all dolled up as enchanting fairies and the little boys dressed as fierce pirates.  This year, they were given freedom to come in whatever costume they wanted.  The theme was a “bewitching spooky halloween” and while some kids dressed up as witches and zombies, many opted to come as superheroes and fairies.

My two kids are not too keen on going as ghouls, witches or zombies.  We made use of hand-me-down costumes from their Ate Ally so ended up spending just a few hundred pesos for some accessories.  Little Jakei wearing a robe with spider details went as Spider King. Jade wanted to be like Chichay but we didn’t have a white wig so she came as Batsherina, the Bat Queen.

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The program started with school directress Teacher Abby telling a spooky story to the kids.  This was followed by dance presentations from the teachers and the school aides.  It was greatly amusing to watch them dance as we often see them in school all prim and proper.  But then, preschool teachers really are the most ‘game’ people in the world.

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There was a short ramp show where the kids modeled their costumes and struck their best poses.  It was really fun watching the kids though I was a bit red in the face when my little Jakei behaved his usual goofy self right in front of the crowd.

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After the program, it was trick-or-treat time.  Mama’s camera ran out of battery though so I didn’t get to take any pics.  The kids had fun with during their Halloween program but was still spooked about the story when we got home.  I hope I don’t forget to ask their teacher to make the stories a little less spooky next year. 🙂

How about your kids?  What did they dress up as this Halloween?