Honey, Have You Seen the Roof?

Popular for centuries, the flat roof is still an excellent roofing solution, argues freelance writer and self-builder Bill Jobs. Here’s what he has to say about the roof that covers our heads. πŸ™‚

Historically, roof coverings have changed and adapted as building techniques and new materials have become available. Now, when you learn more about your local roofers, be sure to look into the different materials and techniques they use because some are much better than others. Lead and copper were used in historic buildings and can still be found on many stately homes or cathedrals. Long lasting and effective the main problem is that they are increasingly attractive to thieves and the sudden and unplanned removal of these coverings can result in costly damage. On smaller, domestic properties and some public buildings, shale have been used widely since the early twentieth century, though asphalt has been growing in popularity as well. They’re a cost-effective building technique and although having gained something of a bad press they’re often easier to access and maintain than other types of roofing (source: https://roofinginsights.com/best-asphalt-shingles/)

In the case of properties dating from the twentieth century, felt and bitumen coverings were often applied. This option usually requires numerous joints and these can be susceptible to developing leaks – every householder’s nightmare when it comes to flat roofs. Modern materials are gradually replacing this type of roof and offer substantial benefits. The biggest problem with flat roofing tends to be poor care and maintenance; with a little TLC over the years they can last well, and cause few problems. However, if the need arises for a roof replacement, or to repair your flat roof, what are the options to consider? If you would like to go down the repair route, it is important to get your roof inspected and the root of the problem discovered. After the inspection is done by professionals, you could get in touch with Water Damage Restoration experts who could help you out if you deem other parts of your house are damaged by the leaky roof.

Positive Pitches?

Thanks to the bad press garnered over the years, some property owners prefer the removal of the flat roof and replacement with a new pitched roof. This is certainly an alternative, although it will cost more than a simple like-for-like replacement. Those in favour of this option argue that a pitched roof will last longer and this is often the case, although a high quality flat roof, using modern materials should last for many decades. If you’re raising the height of the roof you’ll almost certainly need planning permission, which can add to the cost and hassle of replacing a flat roof with a pitched one. The installation of a new pitched roof will usually take considerably longer, potentially need a number of different tradespeople and is likely to be more disruptive than a simple flat roof.

Felt Roofing; the Cheap and Cheerful Option

Felt roofing is a well-known option for replacing the covering on your flat roof. It was widely used from the 1960s onwards. Thanks to lower standards in building regulations, a high demand and on occasion, poor workmanship this type of roof is now often in need of replacement and is one of the main reasons for the negative press against the flat roof. However, it’s still one of the cheapest options and, in the hands of quality workers, can last well. Thanks to the low cost it remains popular but may be most suitable for garage roofs, rather than those over parts of your home. The main disadvantage of the material is that it’s very susceptible to temperature changes; softening in hot weather and becoming brittle in cold. This often leads to damage and to water leaks; while it’s certainly cheap and cheerful you may not be when you discover the high levels of maintenance it requires.

Fibrous Resin and Water Resistance

Fibreglass roofing is one of the more recent developments in the industry. Fibreglass has a lot to recommend it. The material comes in a broad range of colours and is an extremely strong, wear and tear resistant solution. It’s capable of resisting temperature fluctuations and limited joints required in the application method mean less likelihood of water seepage. Fibreglass roofing is one of the most costly solutions and, although widely available, it takes skill, time and considerable noise and disruption to install. The skill factor is important; done well this is possibly the best flat roof covering, but done badly it’s likely to be the worst. Being certain you have seasoned professionals on the job on this one is therefore hugely important.

Robust Rubber

Rubber has long been a popular solution and EPDM materials, favoured by experienced installers like Marcus Roofing are now replacing it as a preferred option for flat roofs. Most contractors, who regularly work on flat roof repair and replacement, pick this as their material of choice. EPDM is supplied in large sheets and, for domestic properties, this means that a one-piece seamless job can be achieved. This has obvious advantages in terms of water resistance and also makes the material easy, quick and less labour-intensive to fit. The material is flexible, which allows for natural movement in the building and it’s easy to repair simply by patching. With the right equipment repairs are easy DIY projects cutting maintenance costs in the long run. UV resistant and not easily damaged by high or low temperatures EPDM is a long lasting, medium cost solution that should appeal as a long term solution to many property owners.


  1. Good roofing is an asset to a house. Home builders have the selection of style and material for this. Yes, sturdy roof is very important especially if the property is located in the calamity prone area.

  2. The rubber roofing looks interesting. I like that it’s 100% durable and not too expensive. I’d consider this the next time we’ll be having maintenance.

  3. I love the title. it reminds me a Korean movie. lol!

    I believe in having quality roofs so that it will last longer compared to the poor quality ones.

  4. I don’t know anything about roofs…all I know is that we should have it checked regularly to make sure there are no leaks.

  5. Just recently we asked someone to paint the roof and put some sealant on every hole of the roof. It is a must that every now and then we should check our roof.

  6. good roof is very important especially at this time when the weather was very violent and scary.

  7. Two of our neighbor’s houses here have flat roofs but they replaced it with the common one as it is not good during the winter times.

  8. Nothing last forever but a quality and durable roofing would be of great advantage because it will help save the owner to keep changing the roof often times.