Kiddie Proof Sofas

As the world gets smaller and children start growing up faster as a result, we might take for granted just how much our kids pick up themselves these days. But one thing that hasn’t changed (and never will change) is our children’s perpetual curiosity and inability to sit still for more than a few minutes without requiring some kind of stimulation. Not only does this mean ‘child-proofing’ every facet of your home (rounded edged coffee tables, protectors on the plug sockets etc.) it also means keeping your home stacked to the rafters with toys, toys that will hopefully keep them distracted enough that they won’t feel like they need to ‘redecorate’ the living room. Of course, there’s only so much ‘curiosity’ a few plastic fire engines can sate though, and the overspill of childish enthusiasm can often translate into an unholy mess, especially where our nice, clean, expensive furniture is concerned. Having children doesn’t mean that you need to give up all of your nice things though.

The heart of your home

If the living room is the ribcage of our home then the sofa is the heart. We spend on average (as a nation) around 32 hours a week in front of the TV and we will be spending the majority of that time on the sofa. The sofa is our safe haven and the last thing we want to be destroyed by our beloved children. Here we’ve sourced a few top tips on how to keep your homes heart healthy and child-proof, without sacrificing its comfort and style.

Image courtesy of Ambro /

Image courtesy of Ambro /

What to look for

When you’re purchasing a ‘child friendly’ sofa, the first thing you’re going to want to consider is the colour. Going with darker colours that are less likely to show stains is an incredibly smart move, even if you’re not particularly keen on darker coloured furnishings, would you prefer a bright white sofa covered in chocolate stains? The most important thing to consider though is your sofas fabric. Soft velvet and cotton fabrics obviously offer a soft, warm and comfortable place the rest you weary buttocks after a long day at the office but there are alternatives that are just as comfortable and far more child proof.

Go Vinyl – We’re not talking about your record collection here. Vinyl sofas might seem unconventional but there are some genuinely attractive models on the market and wiping them clean takes literally seconds.

Leather – Much like vinyl (though more common) leather sofas not only look smart and sophisticated but are incredibly durable and can be wiped clean in seconds.

Child proofing tips

Of course if you really want a sofa with traditional fabrics (and with that level of comfort, who could blame you?) you’re going to want to consider bolstering the durability of your sofa, here are a few options you might want to consider.

Plastic Slipcovers – Yes covering your sofa in a plastic sheath is hardly ideal but in the long run the inconvenience and the ugliness might be worthwhile. The wipe-clean nature of the plastic means that any spills or ‘accidents’ can be wiped down and disposed of without any lasting damage making its way through to the fabric. Plus, once the kids have gone to bed, there’s nothing stopping you from removing the plastic cover and replacing it the next morning.

Nanotex – Nanotex are a company that specialise in creating stain and water repellent fabrics and also products that increase the repellency of existing fabrics. The company’s flagship product is ‘Aquapel’, a revolutionary product that can alter your sofas fabric at a molecular level by attaching minuscule, hydrophobic ‘whiskers’ to the individual fibres of the fabric that lift any spilt liquids and rolls them right off the surface of the fabric.

Pillows/Throws – Though you might not like the idea of ‘hiding’ your sofa beneath a throw rug, it’s far easier (and cheaper) to throw a rug into the washing machine than to clean a juice stain out of your cotton sofa.


About the Author:

Crispin Jones writes for The Suite Company an online retailer of settes and sofas. He is a keen fan of DIY and can often be found blogging about a number of home improvement projects.


  1. Thanks for this wonderful tip. I would surely want to have that kind of sofa. My sofa were full of stain from their drinks 🙁

  2. I keep reminding my daughter not eat or have a drink on the sofa or couch. So far so good. She’s a good listener and understands really well.

  3. I love your child-proofing tips. I’ll try tip#3.

  4. when my kids were still at your kids’ age i used to cover our sofa with a customized cover, not only that it would be easier to clean through washing but it also was protected as my kids love to write and draw anywhere ahaha

  5. I don’t think there is a child-proof sofa hehehe. It all depends on how we train them I guess.

  6. Oh my dear! It sure is different when you have kids because you have to consider everything that you buy for the house. We got us a leather couch because of our kids and here in our new house, we got one that is easy to clean up when messes occur. Or spills. There are sofas out there that are child-proof sofas because babies just make a mess. When they get a little bit older, then you trained them.

  7. I cannot wait to get a leather sofa in black. I hate the one we got right now.

  8. We have a leather sofa — in black. Simply because it is easier to clean and maintain.

  9. Great child-proofing tips. So far my daughter has been a good follower with regards to the rules I set in our living room. Our sofa and carpet are still neat-looking up to this day.