How to Buy Maternity Clothes on a Budget

Buying maternity clothes can be an expensive exercise, sending your modest bank balance into shocked convulsions, as it distributes cash left and right, completely blowing itself of all proportion as you snap up an adorable booster seat you just HAD to have. Most Mum’s will scour the shelves in search for the perfect outfit for their soon-to-be-newborn, clutching at jumpsuits and cooing over little shoes, entranced by the design possibilities. While we want our babies to be blessed with the best (that we can afford), you may consider yourself for a moment and account for your changing body. Your clothes won’t fit at some stage in the nine months period; in fact, a growing belly and swelling boobs pretty much guarantee at least two areas will need to be accounted for, not to mention your butt and thighs. It is possible to spend minimally on a few essentials with the following tips:

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Buy Online

Online shopping is fast becoming a thing; more people every day log in and browse, on their lunch breaks or daily commute, whipping out a debit card to grab a bargain with minimal delivery charges. Digital commerce is a time and monetary savings exercise, allowing you (the consumer) to reach out and find the best price for a certain item or style, read reviews and make an informed judgement call before accepting the purchase and throwing it on the moment it arrives. You’re a bit time poor at the moment, so take advantage of the price comparisons and convenience of online specials at this URL, or several other maternity centric sites. Additional perk? No more horrible shop mirrors.

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Image courtesy of

Mix and Match

What’s better, off-loading a couple of hundred off onto a nice maxi dress, or spending the same amount on basics suited to any occasion and configuration? Tees, stretch singlets, tights and maternity jeans are all cost effective staples to make your wardrobe go the distance without putting too much pressure on credit card mileage. It maybe be boring at first, but don’t be afraid to decorate and accessorise; jewellery and scarves can add a new, colourful dimension to any outfit, so don’t be afraid to express your personality and creativity!

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Image courtesy of

Ask Around

Sisters, friends, relations…Most of us know somebody who was pregnant at one time or another, and if it was recently (say within the last year), tap into your network and ask to borrow their wardrobe for a while, until you get your own pieces together. You’ll be surprised by the kindness and versatility of some items, and you never know, once you have your first pair of maternity jeans firmly around your legs, you may be inspired to buy another for yourself, gauging what you need in terms of comfort and style.

Buying maternity clothes for yourself need not to be painful, nor selfish; if you look and feel good, those happy endorphins will be passed to your growing baby, and translate into a calm, confident and sexy Mum to be.