Choosing The Right Home Office Chair

Among the many perks of being a work-at-home-mom is that we get to work anywhere we want. I know some of my WAHM friends spend most of the day on their beds running their online shops or writing articles using their laptops. There are those who’d rather work on the kitchen table perched on their favorite stools. A few opt for the comfy couch in the living room. Almost all of them do have their own nooks at home which have been turned into a home office but would rather stay in a more comfortable place. There are loads of other perks to working at home as well, as it can also affect youwr energy bills. Depending on how much time and space takes up your business at home you can take a look at having business energy instead of residential energy. This might help you save some money on your energy bills. For more information, why don’t you check out someone like Simply Switch who can tell you how much you might save if you can switch to business energy.

Even when you’re just working at home, it’s still important to choose the right office chair. You might say that the couch is so much softer or that the bed is more relaxing; however, there is such a thing as a comfortable office chair, you know. Ergonomic chairs are now much kinder to our bodies than chairs of yore. Speaking of chairs from long ago, you’d be surprised to know who was among the innovators of the very first office chair! Check out the infographic below:

Thanks to technology, office chairs now are no longer just straightback chairs with wheels drilled into them. They now come with adjustable backrests, swivels, casters, and arm rests. They also come in every imaginable design and color. More than the design and color, here are some features that you must consider having in your own home office chair:

  • Adjustable Backrests. Choose a chair that has a back rest separate from the seat and that can be adjusted to your height. Something like the aeron chair could be a perfect fit if you need high levels of adjustability, but whichever chair you pick should also allow some forward or backward movement(tilt) that enable you to move while providing ample support.
  • Adjustable Lumbar Support. To avoid lower back pains, choose a chair that has excellent lumbar support. This would help maintain that natural curve of your spine for a healthier posture. As with the backrest, look for lumbar support that can be adjusted to your natural curve.
  • Sufficient Padding. A chair padding that is too soft would not provide ample support while one that is too hard would cause pain after a few hours. Make sure that your chair is comfortable enough to keep you relaxed during long hours of work.
  • Swivel and Casters. You have got to love those who invented these! They provide us mobility and help us use our workspace more efficiently, to allow for all the various Office Supplies that are needed on a day-to-day basis.

After you’ve found the perfect office chair for your home office, keep in mind though that spending hours and hours sitting on a chair – no matter how comfy it is – is detrimental to your health. There are easy ways to cut your sitting timeby making some adjustments in your daily routine. One of which is getting up for water breaks more often. You’d be hitting two birds with one stone at that – getting more physical activity and increasing water intake.


  1. Great article! I definitely want one that super comfortable and swivels. LOL! And with an arm chair and and adjustable back rest. πŸ™‚