Buying Flowers: Top Tips for Choosing and Caring for Your Fresh Bought Blossoms


If you’re not a pro-florist, arranging flowers can sure be tricky. From picking beautiful blooms that really tie a room together, or trying to figure out which pre-packaged arrangement looks the least sad if you’re not versed in flower care.

Fear not, here are a few tips to help you pick out a lovely bouquet by yourself, as well as keep your blooms looking their best.


Choosing Flowers

♥ Don’t go overboard with the colors — Choose no more than 2-3 colors when arranging your own bouquet. Like most elements of design, keeping things simple when it comes to your flower arrangement will say more than if you try to grab a little bit of everything in the flower shop. Trust us.

♥ Don’t always hit the bargain bin — Look flowers that are on sale are typically there for a reason, and that reason is, their nearing the end of their cut lifespan. If you want your flowers to last up to a week, fresh is always best.

♥ If you are on a budget, think big — Big flowers take up more room in a bouquet than smaller ones, so you may be able to save a bit by purchasing less of them. Fill up the space with some smaller, more affordable flowers, and you’ve got a solid bouquet.


What to Do When You Get Them Home

Whether you’ve picked out a variety of blossoms or someone delivered a sweet surprise to your door, for best results, you’ll want to immediately transfer your flowers a vase containing lukewarm water. The reason warm beats cold is, warm water molecules move more quickly than their cold counterparts, meaning they’ll deliver nutrients more quickly to the stems.

You’ll likely need to adjust the height of your stems when you get home, too. For best results, cut away any extra leaves you don’t love, and then move onto the stems. Do an initial cut a bit longer than where you want the final height to be, and once you’ve determined if it’s right, go in for a second snip.

Third, consider using the food offered at the florist, or one of these home remedies for keeping flowers fresh. Plain water is fine, but petals will start to drop after a few days without intervention.


Keeping Flowers Fresh for the Long Haul

Once you’ve gotten your flowers situated, the work is far from over. Sure, you could leave them be, but you want your flowers to last as long as possible, right? Here’s a couple tips to stretch out that lifespan.

One thing that should be noted is, you’ll want to change your water often. Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, harmful bacteria can take up residence inside dirty vase water. Be sure to empty out your vase, and wash thoroughly with soap and water. The clean water will keep any bugs at bay.

You’ll also want to prune periodically. As the week progresses, your flowers will change. Regularly trim off parts that don’t look so fresh, to keep your bouquet looking its best.

Know Who to Call When Storm Damage Happens

Extreme weather and severe storms can happen at any time. Hail damage can be a winter time occurrence, and can seriously damage houses and cars. In fact, it is lucky that the Hail Specialists Mission is to restore cars as best they can after a bad hail storm, as this can really damage property. Then, you’ve got tornadoes which are especially notorious for happening in the spring. The traditional tornado season is March through June. Before the sirens start blaring and everyone is searching for cover in a safe place, why not do some research and find a highly qualified and reputable storm damage restoration team that you can call in times of trouble?

Summer Storm Landscape. Dramatic Cloudy Sky. Hurricane And Rain Stock Photo

Image by Maxim Weise

Advanced Planning Pays Off

You’ll be glad you did some advanced planning when those high winds start to blow, hail starts falling, lightning is striking and debris starts to fly. Keep the number on speed dial and you’re already one step ahead when disaster strikes. Here are few tips for finding a reputable and trustworthy Fire and water emergency restoration services:

Certification – Try to find a company with professional certification and a good reputation. You can usually find this information on their website. Since it is a great selling point for a company, it’s usually easy to find

Day or Night Response – Look for a company that will respond any time, day or night. This is critical since many storms happen in the dark of night

Expertise and Experience – A company with a lot of experience and specialized expertise in remediation of storm damage is what you want to find to return your property to the way it was before the storm

Excellent Reputation – You can use resources like the Better Business Bureau to find information on a company’s reputation. Other great resources are the testimonial pages of websites and Internet sites that specialize in feedback of local businesses

Peace of Mind

No one wants to see damaging and destructive storms come through their town, but they happen. The smartest thing to do is to be prepared for the worst as you hope for the best. When you’ve found a reliable resource for storm repair and remediation such as professionals from Synergy Property Restoration and similar other restoration companies in your vicinity, you’ll rest easier with the confidence that you know exactly who to call.

When a storm hits, it can be hard to focus your mind on the things that need your attention. You won’t know what to do, which is why you need to make sure that you are as prepared as possible. I know I can’t say this enough, but it’s true. Regardless of whether you learn that you need to better protect your roof with a variety of different materials, that a company similar to American Foam Experts can provide (check this out here), or if you need to get in touch with a water damage restoration service, you will be able to get in touch with them as soon as damage strikes. And with a storm, this can be at any time.

When trees have fallen and caused damage, lightning strikes, heavy rain has caused flooding, debris is scattered everywhere, or hail has made a mess of your property, relax as you remember that you have the number of a helpful resource. It helps when you know that you’re not alone through the worst storms. Help is just a phone call away.

How to Properly Clean Refrigerators

Keeping a refrigerator clean is one way to keep them working properly for years to come. A build-up of spilled food is a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew.  It also creates permanent unsightly stains.  This is the perfect time to check all components of the refrigerator and freezer to make sure they are in good working order. Read on to know how to properly clean refrigerators.

Image result for refrigerator cleaning

Remove Food Items, Drawers, Racks and Shelves

All food items will need to be removed in order to reach all areas of the refrigerator for cleaning. Remove all of the crisper drawers, shelving and racks and set to the side for a thorough cleaning. Clean the freezer compartment separately so that your frozen items will not overly thaw during the process.

Wash the Interior

Cleaning the interior portion of the refrigerator can be done using a mild detergent mixed in warm water. Use a small sprinkle of baking soda on any stains and stuck-on foods. Rinse the surface with clear warm water. Let the surface air dry as you clean the other parts of the refrigerator that you removed earlier.

Wash All Drawers, Racks and Shelves

The parts removed from the refrigerator might fit in the dishwasher, but do not be tempted to run them through a cycle. The parts can become warped from the heat of the water, or damaged from the jet spray. Clean each piece separately, by hand, using dish washing liquid and warm water. Rinse with warm water and dry each piece with a towel. Make sure they are completely dry before returning them to their position inside the refrigerator.

Use a Vinegar and Warm Water Rinse

Protect the interior from mold and mildew by wiping with warm water and vinegar. Allow the surface to air dry as you prepare to reassemble all parts. Use a stiff cleaning brush to make sure the seals and gaskets are free of dirt and mildew.

Completely Dry Interior and Reassemble

Wipe the interior of the refrigerator with a towel before replacing all racks, shelves and drawers. It is important that the interior and all parts are completely dry to avoid the development of mildew on the surface. Replace all food items once all parts are back ion their proper position.

Contact Sub Zero repair West Palm Beach FL professionals for your total refrigerator maintenance needs.

6 Reasons to Install a Kitchen Island

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Adding extra usable space to your kitchen is as easy as installing a kitchen island. You can have the perfect island designed and installed quickly, at a price that nearly any budget can afford.

Versatile Material Choices

You can use almost any material to create the perfect kitchen island. The top can be created of butcher block, laminate or a variety of stone. You can easily match the kitchen decor you already have.

Extra Seating for Guests

Large gatherings at your home for holidays and events can leave seating limited. Creating an island that can seat several guests is a way to maximize the value and make all of your guests feel comfortable. This can also double as a breakfast counter or late snack station.

Instant Homework Destination

When kids get home from school there is normally a little homework that needs to be done. The kitchen seems to be the hub and center where everyone connects. Dinner is usually being prepared and having available space for the kids to work on homework at the same time is brilliant.

Mobile Units Can Be Tucked Away

Having a kitchen island on wheels provides all the convenience of the island, but the opportunity to maximize floor space by pushing it to the side. It allows you the flexibility to utilize the island when needed, but not have it in the way, if space is limited.

Added Food Prep and Cooking Space

Kitchen islands can be built to include cooktops, grills and even small food prep sinks. There are available slide-out cooler drawers and warming ovens. This is the perfect solution for those with large families and those that love to entertain guests with dinner parties.

Lots of Extra Storage

Extra storage space is always needed in a kitchen. Having special areas to tuck certain items away will help you stay more organized on a daily basis. There can be a mix of pull-out drawers, cupboards and an overhead rack to hang pots and pans. You only limited by your imagination and budget.

Contact home improvement professionals like and get a free quote on affordable kitchen remodels that include an island.

How to Find the Best Mattress

Most people spend approximately 33 percent of their lives sleeping, making the bed one of the most used piece of furniture in the home. The mattress that you sleep on will determine your quality of sleep and how comfortable you feel during the night. To sleep soundly and feel rested each day, there are a few important tips to find the best mattress to sleep on.

Tranquility + GelRead Reviews

It’s important to read the reviews of different mattresses to determine customers’ experiences with the products. Consider the comfort level, the firmness of the product, and if the mattress maintained its durability.

Test it Out

Although it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by dozens of white mattresses when visiting a store, try to test out three to four mattresses that fit within your budget. This will make it easier to get an idea of what type of mattress is most comfortable without getting confused with the number of available options. It’s important to bring your partner along to determine how much you both enjoy certain products. For instance, if you have a considerably large bedroom, you could utilize the More Room To Move With a Super King Mattress. Similarly, discuss beforehand what kind of material or colour you would prefer.

Legacy + GelConsider Your Options

Consider testing out a foam mattress or a coil mattress to evaluate how they each differ from one another. If you choose a mattress that has coils, consider an inner-spring mattress or a non-inner-spring mattress. Those who prefer a softer mattress can opt for a mattress that is constructed out of different types of foam.

Many people also have allergic reactions to the type of materials that are used on mattresses, making it important to consider the best natural mattress that is safe to sleep on. Opt for a product that is constructed out of renewable resources like bamboo, aloe, and palm or castor oils.

Review the Warranty

Most mattress companies offer 30-day warranties to ensure that you can return the product if you change your mind after taking it home. Review the warranty to protect your investment and allow yourself to have the freedom to choose another product if you’re unsatisfied with your original choice.

To improve your quality of sleep and enjoy spending time in your bed, it’s important to choose the right mattress that can be used long-term. By narrowing down your options and conducting research, you can feel satisfied with your purchase and avoid waking up throughout the night.

Revitalize + Gel