My Toddlers’ Must-Read Book List

While waiting for my little Jade at the Learning Library this morning, I had a wonderful chat with Van who gave me plenty of ideas on how to make reading fun for my toddlers.  She also wrote a list of books which she highly recommends for my little ones.

  1. Just Me Series by Mercer Mayer
  2. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault
  3.  I Spy Series by  Jean Marzollo
  4. Max & Ruby by Rosemary Wells
  5. The Extraordinary Egg, Swimmy and other Leo Lionni books
  6. Tomie dePaola’s Strega Nona
  7. Lois Ehlert picture books
  8. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Numeroff
  9. Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
  10. Mooncake by Frank Asch

I hope to be fortunate enough to find most of them at the Book Sale or Books for Less.  If you happen to come across any of these titles, grab one for your kids and do let me know where you found them so I can get one also for my kids.