Quick Lunch at Brothers Burger

Brothers Burger has been a favorite burger joint of mine from the time it first opened here in the Manila.  I used to try the different burger add-ons until I found an absolute favorite in cilantro.  Until now, my order remains one Brothers Burger with cilantro, onion rings, and milk shake.

Today, I was able to eat my favorite burger with cilantro again after quite a few months.  The toddlers had appointments for their vaccines this afternoon and my husband decided to treat all of us out for lunch before going to the doctor’s clinic.  It was a weekend, so the branch that we visited was not crowded.  There were only 5 other diners when we came and halfway through our meal, we were the only diners left.  So I was able to take a picture of the toddlers sans the crowd.

ate jade, being the “big” sister that she is, protectively holds jakei’s hand


Though we prefer eating at this Brothers Burgers branch particularly because there usually isn’t much of a crowd,  we seldom chose to eat here because they only have one high chair available.  When the toddlers were younger, we would have a hard time dining out without high chairs for both of them.  But now that Jade is a bit more independent and can stay seated in a regular chair, this isn’t a problem anymore.  Alas, we were faced with another dilemma.  The table was much too high for Jade to eat properly by herself.  Good thing, Papa was able to find a solution.


chair too low or table too high?

ate jade eating by herself;                                            thanks to Papa’s makeshift high chair


With the seating problem addressed, on we went to feed our famished tummies.  Hubby had grilled chicken sandwich and garden salad. I, of course, had my Brothers burger with cilantro and onion rings (I’ve gained a few pounds too many so I shunned the milkshake). Ate Lanie had breaded chicken with rice and the toddlers shared fish fingers with rice.  The rice meals came with half a brownie and iced tea so it was already a complete meal.


jakei drinking water after a filling lunch of fish fingers and rice

 Are we going back there?  Definitely yes!

 What did we love most about the place?  the BURGERS, of course

 Our Toddler-friendliness Rating:  9