Getting Fit and Sexy For Summer

Summer’s here and most of us are getting ready for our family’s summer getaway. Some want to escape from the scorching heat and choose to spend a couple of days in the highlands for cooler climate. Most though relish the summer heat and troop to beaches and resorts for some sun, sand and fun.

So, we moms get everything all set and make sure that the entire family is all geared for the great summer outing of the year. Then we try on our swimsuits – Aaargh!!! Where did that bulge come from?! My bikini shrunk! We dash out the door and head to the pharmacy to grab that bottle of diet pills that promises to lose all fat in one week.

Sounds familiar? We all get crazy sometimes and want that quick-fix to look gorgeous. But before you pop that pill, check it out first at You’d really want to make sure it’s the right diet pill for you.

Better yet, go the safe and natural way by sticking to a healthy diet and by being more active (get off that computer chair!). Here are some ways you can lose those unwanted pounds the safe way:

  • Eat five servings of fruits and veggies everyday. It’s bound to keep the fats away.
  • Stick to water and sugar-free drinks. Steer clear of sodas and juices that are more sugar than fruit juice. (Check the ingredients, if sugar is listed before juice concentrate or fruit juice, put it back on the shelf.)
  • Eat snacks (healthy ones such as carrot sticks please) between meals. Then reduce portions during mealtime.
  • Exercise. Walk around the block, jog in the park, run on the treadmill, head off to the gym…do whatever works for you. Just keep those muscles moving.

These are just a few simple ways you can do to shed those excess pounds. If you’ve got the time to try and lose weight via a healthy diet, then you could take a look at different diet plans like Maggie Q’s diet plan to help get you started! Also, if you’re a parent to a toddler and a preschooler like me, I’d recommend you spend a couple of hours each day actively playing with them. It’s the most fun way to get some exercise. 😉