Jade’s First Masterpiece

Our typical morning usually includes a variety of activities to develop different skills.  We play with building blocks, smart stacks and shape sorters.  We tinker with tool sets and puzzles.  We create music with their toy drums, xylophones, maracas, tambourines and recorder(which Jade insists to call a flute).  We watch Playhouse Disney and Nick Jr. We pretend to be chefs, Handy Manny, doctors and whatever else we like to be.

We do a host of different activities but the one that my toddlers really love is our MESSY ART TIME.  Oh, yes, it wouldn’t be art if it wasn’t messy!  I’m glad I started our messy art time this year because this morning, my two-year-old Jade created a masterpiece.

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by Jade
at age 2 years 8 months

Jade is basically left to herself when we’re doing our activities as I focus mainly on keeping Jakei from eating his crayons, putting toys in his mouth, and ensuring that he never runs out of things to do (bored toddlers can be very very very hyperactive). Imagine the surprise on my face when I saw her working on this painting.  Her paintings so far have consisted only of straight lines, uneven strokes, and circles.  I exclaimed how wonderful her painting was and asked her what she painted. She looked at it for a little while and said, “A parrot!  It’s a parrot, Mama.”

She’s far from being Picasso,Van Gogh, or Monet.  This “PARROT” could even just be a chance painting.  But what if she was blessed by God with very skillful hands and a creative spirit.  And even if she’s not, well, messy art time is fun anyway!

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her first painting activity when she was 1 year old